Unearth Children’s Potential for a Brighter Tomorrow


Unearth Children’s Potential for a Brighter Tomorrow

World Vision’s vision is “for every child to have life in all its fullness, and for every heart the will to make it so”. While committed to ensuring that children have the opportunity to receive an education, we also hope that they can discover their potential through music, sport, art, language and other means, and embrace a fully rounded development instead of missing a full and happy childhood and personal development due to a lack of resources.

Sponsorship allows me to embrace my dreams

“I have always been passionate about art, but without the encouragement and platforms provided by World Vision, I would never have been confident enough to pursue my passion for art.”
“Being a World Vision sponsored child, I have found opportunities where I have gained the confidence to follow my dream and believe in what I am capable of achieving,” Rahul says with his eyes shining with determination.

When Rahul was three years old, he had a major accident at home, which led to the left side of his body being paralysed. Now at 17, Rahul, a sponsored child, remains determined to pursue his love for art in spite of his disability.

Regardless of the physical distance between Rahul and his sponsor in Hong Kong, art became the bridge that connected their worlds. Rahul found a source of inspiration that would shape his future. Through his drawings, Rahul found solace and encouragement. “Receiving praise for my drawings really inspires me to keep going,” he confesses with a smile.

Rahul’s journey with World Vision Nepal has spanned nearly six years, during which he has been able to explore and develop his passion. “By participating in the life-skills training with other children, I not only learned about our rights and responsibilities, but also became more confident to participate in activities within my community,” Rahul reflects, his voice resonating with gratitude. The young artist also participated in a comic-writing and drawing event organised by World Vision Nepal, an experience that intrigued him greatly as it was something he had never done before.

His mother says, “Rahul used to keep his artistic abilities to himself and did not display them to others. I was unable to support his work because I could not afford the supplies, I did not even know what he needed. I still clearly remember his joy at receiving those colourful and beautiful tools from World Vision. He created so many beautiful pieces of art with those, and some made their way to his friends in Hong Kong.”

He appreciates the encouragement that he has received from his sponsor. “I have always been passionate about art, but without the encouragement and platforms provided by World Vision, I would never have been confident enough to pursue my passion for art,” he says. At the age of 14, he made the resolute decision to study art in high school. Supported wholeheartedly by his family, Rahul embraced his artistic journey with enthusiasm and is currently studying fine arts which he really enjoys. Though living with a disability, Rahul refuses to let this hinder his creative pursuits.

World Vision, through its Child Sponsorship programme, supports Rahul in pursuing his artistic dreams. With the support of the programme, Rahul’s artwork was featured in local government events and was included in World Vision Nepal’s diaries, calendars and envelopes for letters to sponsors. This recognition was a major motivation for Rahul to further his career as an artist.

Rahul’s journey serves as an encouragement for others and proves that miracles can happen when aspirations are earnestly pursued and never given up. He strives to lead by example, inspiring others to follow their own dreams despite any challenges they may encounter. As he continues to paint with determination and resilience, Rahul and his family cherish his achievements with the support from World Vision.

Watch a video about Rahul’s story

Discovering refugee children’s passion for music

“I like music because it makes me happy. When I play different instruments, I feel the rhythm. I especially like playing the drums. During World Vision’s sessions we talk about ourselves, our feelings and our emotions. It is also fun to play with other kids,” says six-year-old Yehor.

To meet the humanitarian and protection needs of the most vulnerable children and families affected by the war in Ukraine, World Vision has provided assistance and services to nearly 11,000 refugees, including Yehor, who now lives in Georgia with his mother Marina, grandmother Svitlana and his little sister. Yehor loves music and dreams about playing the violin. Every week, he would attend the music and inclusive dance sessions organised by World Vision.

World Vision provides diverse assistance and services to refugees, with a special focus on psychosocial support. To help children overcome the stress caused by the war and improve their mental health, regular synthetic music and dance sessions are organised.

Yehor arrived in Georgia in June 2022 with his mother who was expecting a baby. One month later, Yehor’s grandmother Svitlana, who is very close to him, came to Georgia to help her daughter deliver the baby. “When I came to Georgia and saw how stressed and quiet my grandson was, I realised that we had to find some activities to help him. We came across World Vision’s music and dance sessions for children, so we applied instantly,” she says. The result exceeded their expectations. Yehor really liked the activity.

“When I started attending music sessions I realised that we were going to play the musical instruments, dance, learn new things and have fun,” he says with a smile. “Now I am in kindergarten, but in one year I will study at a Georgian music school. My main dream is to live in a world where no one fights and there is no evil but only kindness,” he adds.

Music therapist Tamar says these sessions benefit children and play an important role in their development. “The aim of these sessions is to assist children to develop their capabilities and help gradually solve their problems without adding extra pressure. Some children struggle with concentration and communication or other behavioural disorders. Through the activities, we help them change their behaviour in the best way,” Tamar shares.

She adds, “Even though it is a group session, our activities and games are oriented towards each child’s needs so that no one is left behind.” Tamar also admits that music sessions have helped Yehor in a positive way. “In the beginning, he was shy to express his thoughts or initiate something; he preferred to remain silent. However, gradually he started expressing himself openly and became more active.”
“Now I am in kindergarten, but in one year I will study at a Georgian music school. My main dream is to live in a world where no one fights and there is no evil but only kindness.”

When Yehor first joined World Vision’s music sessions, he was afraid of expressing his thoughts or initiating things.

Yehor (second right) happily takes part in a music session together with his friends. He dreams of learning to play the violin.

A sporting talent that should not be buried

Since 2011, World Vision has been implementing Child Sponsorship in Barishal. While Barishal’s colleges and educational institutions are renowned, many people in the area earn their living through subsistence farming, day labouring, fishing or running a small business. In families that are less educated and live in poverty, girls are often seen as a financial burden. Supporting their education is considered a waste of money because they are expected to leave their family, get married and have children, not to discover their potential.

The Barishal girls’ football team has been established thanks to the support of sponsors, which has enabled us to provide training for a group of girls that lack resources and an opportunity to develop their potential in sports. Made up of sponsored children and members of the sponsorship programme’s child forum, the team has been enjoying success on the pitch, winning the district championships and seeing several players selected for the regional team.

World Vision forms the Barishal girls’ football team in Bangladesh to give sponsored children and other children an opportunity to shine in sports.

The Barishal girls’ football team has won the district championships and several players have been selected for the regional team.

Words from CEO

As the climate crisis aggravates, we too are feeling the powerful effects of climate change.

Keeping War-torn Communities Alive and Well

As a displaced person, Abu Hashim lost his home, his land, and his family is out in the cold.

A Role to Play, A Chance to Contribute

“When World Vision started its involvement in this community, I saw my opportunity to support children and others.”

Empowered to Shine and Serve

Yin is the eldest daughter in her family of four, made up of her father, mother and 9-year-old brother.

World Vision Hong Kong in DR Congo (2022)

In 2022, World Vision Hong Kong contributed about HK$49.23 million to support 4 APs and 13 other projects in DR Congo.