World Vision Hong Kong in Burundi (2018)

World Vision Hong Kong in Burundi (2018)


Landlocked and with over 70% of its population living in poverty, Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the world. In recent years, the small country, with its economy highly reliant on agriculture, remains largely undeveloped and has been afflicted with food insecurity. As political instability is also a current issue, thousands of citizens have left the country in search of refuge.

World Vision has been working in Burundi for over 50 years. Currently, World Vision is present in 6 provinces of the country and runs 18 Area Development Programmes, supporting over 40,000 sponsored children and their communities.

In 2018, World Vision Hong Kong contributed approximately HK$20.69 million to support 3 ADPs and 4 other projects in Burundi, benefiting about 738,000 people.

2018 Work Highlights

Area Development Programmes (ADP)

World Vision Hong Kong supported 3 ADPs to improve the livelihoods of children and their families, and encouraged their active participation in the process of building a sustainable community.


  • Provided about 9,300 under-five children with health checks and treatment at community level for malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea.
  • Supported the families of about 6,300 most vulnerable children by savings and farming groups.
  • Supported about 4,800 farmers with farming assets and agricultural inputs or small livestock to tackle malnutrition among under-five children.

Child Protection

  • Over 7,100 children participated in Children Club activities which build up their confidence and increase community awareness towards child rights.
  • Strengthened 55 community-based Child Protection Committees with capacity building to fight against issues like child neglect, malnutrition, school dropout, etc.


  • Adopted the Literacy Boost teaching methodology to teach over 6,500 children.
  • Established 39 reading camps, allowing more than 4,500 children to access diversified learning opportunities outside of school.
  • Supported over 1,600 children who had dropped out to re-enrol back to school by ways such as community sensitisation and support of school materials.


  • Through community sanitation awareness campaign, there are now nearly 21,400 functional hand washing facilities in the community, benefitting over 36,600 people.
  • 15 water points were newly designed and managed, providing over 5,000 people with access to clean water.


  • Provided 1,040 vulnerable households with livestock and rearing support.
  • Trained about 800 people to establish kitchen gardens to improve nutritional intake.

Funding (HK$): $17,256,680; No. of Beneficiaries: 324,280

Integrated Food Security, Nutrition and Health (FONUH) Project

  • Provided more than 43,800 children with community-based treatment for malaria, diarrhoea and pneumonia.
  • Educated over 14,000 people on family planning.
  • Provided over 8,500 farmers with agricultural inputs for nutritious crops to enhance their nutritional intake.

Funding (HK$): $2,355,120; No. of Beneficiaries: 71,870

Child Health Promotion Project

  • Provided over 8,900 people with year-round access to an improved drinking water source within 30 minutes round trip of their household.
  • Educated over 1,800 households on hygiene topics, such as the importance of using safe latrines and critical times for handwashing, and supported them in constructing their own household sanitation facilities.

Funding (HK$): $882,190; No. of Beneficiaries: 30,260

Malaria Outbreak Emergency Response

  • Assisted over 74,000 households with indoor residual spraying.
  • Distributed about 12,000 insecticide-treated nets to vulnerable households that have attended pre-natal counselling sessions at health facilities.

Funding (HK$): $201,720; No. of Beneficiaries: 311,740

Total Funding (HK$): 20,695,710; Total No. of Beneficiaries: 738,150

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