World Vision Hong Kong in Bangladesh (2021)

World Vision Hong Kong in Bangladesh (2021)


In the past decade, Bangladesh has been one of the world’s fastest growing economies. Since gaining independence in 1971, it has made huge progress in reducing poverty, going from one of the poorest countries at birth to now being on track to graduate from the United Nations’ list of least developed countries in 2026.

World Vision’s work in Bangladesh began in the early 1970s, starting with providing relief aid for cyclone victims and refugees displaced by the war between India and Pakistan. Following Bangladesh's independence, World Vision set up an office in Dhaka in 1973 and started relief and rehabilitation programmes at the invitation of the Bangladesh Government. World Vision Bangladesh currently works in 28 districts, with 55 ongoing Area Programmes (AP). Operations are also in place across refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar following the influx of Rohingya refugees in 2017.

In 2021, World Vision Hong Kong contributed approximately HK$50.2 million to support 7 APs and 9 other projects in Bangladesh, benefiting over 764,300 people.

2021 Work Highlights

Area Programmes

World Vision Hong Kong supported 7 APs to improve children’s growth environment and empower community members to be resilient, that they would become self-sustainable and be free from the poverty trap.

Child Protection

  • Reached 3,600 families with education on the prevention of early marriage, drowning and suicide.
  • Set up and empowered Child Forums to lead different child protection initiatives such as dialogue sessions with the local government, involving about 3,330 children.

Health and Nutrition

  • Collaborated with local authorities to monitor and improve the nutrition status of over 16,710 under-5 children, as well as helping parents and caregivers learn to fight against malnutrition.
  • Reached over 4,820 women of reproductive age and monitor their health status through community health workers.
  • Provided about 3,790 pregnant women and caregivers of under-5 children with nutrition, and information on preventing infectious diseases and injury.


  • Supported about 1,620 families to start income generating activities, increasing their income and food production.
  • 5,110 families now keep regular savings after receiving financial training.


  • Conducted programmes to change community hygiene behaviours, reaching 15,740 people.
  • Provided water purifiers and access to basic drinking water services, reducing the risk of waterborne diseases for 8,160 people.
  • Reached about 16,860 people with COVID-19 awareness information through various online platforms.


  • Taught 560 children about personal hygiene, emotional management and maintaining harmonious relationships with their peers and family members.

Funding (HK$): $30,571,500; No. of Beneficiaries: 616,130

Health and Livelihood Development Projects

  • Enrolled about 580 malnourished children under five in PD/Hearth sessions to improve their nutritional status. Over half of them fully recovered within 90 days after enrolment.
  • Provided over 620 households with farm animals such as ducks, chickens and heifers.

Funding (HK$): $2,896,120; No. of Beneficiaries: 30,560

Projects Supporting the Rohingya

  • Operated 26 community cooking and learning centres to support female refugees with training on nutritious food preparation, child feeding, childcare, hygiene, disaster risk reduction and kitchen gardening.
  • Supported gender-based violence (GBV) victims with psychosocial support and skills building sessions, and provided refugees with GBV awareness training, reaching over 800 people.

Funding (HK$): $704,450; No. of Beneficiaries: 4,200

Emergency Support for People Affected by Floods

  • Distributed food kits (including rice, oil and lentils) and hygiene kits (including buckets, detergent powder and soap) to 47,200 people affected by floods.

Funding (HK$): $2,975,780; No. of Beneficiaries: 47,200

Food Assistance Projects in Partnership with the World Food Programme

  • Provided food and e-vouchers to enhance food security status of refugee households residing in camps in Cox’s Bazar.

Funding (HK$): $13,056,320; No. of Beneficiaries: 66,290

Total Funding (HK$): 50,204,170; Total No. of Beneficiaries: 764,380

Words from CEO

As we commemorate our 60th anniversary, I spent some time to read through the history of World Vision in Hong Kong.

Thank You for Spreading Hope with Us over the Past 60 Years

World Vision always strives to follow the example of Jesus Christ to serve the poor.

Standing up for Girls

Sudha remembers her very first activity as a sponsored child was attending a children’s group meeting in her community.

A Young Leader on a Quest

17-year-old Nayeem is fighting for justice for young girls in Bangladesh.

From Receiving to Giving

21-year-old Andreea is now giving back as a volunteer for World Vision's Ukraine Crisis Response.