Educational Resources

World Vision provides different kinds of educational materials concerning needs of developing countries and our work on relief and development. They are available for schools, parent-teacher associations, churches and educational institutions to borrow and download to support their educational activities. Please also browse our videos on Youtube.

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Terms of Use of Educational Resources

  1. World Vision Hong Kong (including World Vision of Macau Association) is the owner of all copyright materials contained in this website. World Vision allows the use of images and captions on our “Educational Resources” website for educational purpose only. Permission is granted on the condition that the information is not altered, and that the source is acknowledged appropriately. World Vision of Macau Association reserves the right to revoke this permission at its discretion. All materials sourced from our “Educational Resources” website must be accompanied by the following statement: Reproduced with permission from World Vision of Macau Association. © (production year of the materials) World Vision of Macau Association. All rights reserved.

  2. All images and captions featured on our “Educational Resources” website are subject to copyright. Materials must not be published, photocopied or altered for any non-educational purpose without prior written permission. Requests for permission of the use of proposed materials should be submitted to World Vision of Macau Association. Please email World Vision of Macau Association with any queries or for requesting a form of “Agreement on Use of Materials”.

  3. All reasonable effort has been used to ensure the accuracy of the content of the materials provided. However, no warranty is given to that effect, nor is any liability accepted by World Vision of Macau Association for any loss or damage arising from the use of the materials provided.