Send Blessings with a Red Packet

Chinese New Year is a time to visit and express love for relatives and friends. In this festive season, we invite students in Hong Kong to extend their love to needy children and families far away by donating their red packets.

Activity Details

Enrolment Deadline: 20 January 2025
Activity Period: February to March 2025
Target:Kindergarten, primary school, secondary school students, teachers and parents in Hong Kong
Enrolment method:Please email or fax the completed enrolment form to us. We will contact school teachers to confirm the delivery arrangement of donations boxes and supporting materials.

Supporting Materials

To support teachers in running the campaign and encourage students to take part in it, we will provide a range of supporting materials made with an illustration by Little Half, an illustrator from Hong Kong.

Campaign Red Packets


(Kindergartens & Primary schools)


(Secondary schools)

Donation Methods

1. Donation Box

Borrow donation boxes from World Vision to collect red packets. After the campaign, World Vision staff will come to collect the donation boxes and count the donations.

2. Crossed Cheque

Count the donations and send a crossed cheque to World Vision Hong Kong. Please make the cheque payable to WORLD VISION HONG KONG and write the school name on the back of the cheque.

3. ATM / Bank Account Transfer

Count the donations and deposit in World Vision Hong Kong’s bank account. Please send the bank-in slip to us by mail/email/fax.
BANK OF CHINA (HK) : 012-883-0-002552-0

Use of Funds

Red packets donated by students will support World Vision's food and nutrition projects to provide starving children in Africa with various forms of assistance, such as: 

Distributing nutritious food to impoverished families for the health of malnourished children to be improved

Supporting impoverished families to establish kitchen gardens by providing them with seeds and farming tools for growing a good variety of food, so that children can have a balanced nutritional intake

Providing nutrition trainings for pregnant or lactating women to learn to cook nutritious meals, so that children can grow up healthy


For enquiries, please contact Ms. Winnie Chan from the Public Education Department at 2399 3427.

World Vision Hong Kong, incorporated with limited liability, is a Christian humanitarian organisation working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty.
© 2024 World Vision Hong Kong | Please click here for information on Use of Donation | Tax-exempt Charities - IR File Number: 91/2002