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Childhood Rescue Somaliland Trip


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Donation Support

You may support Childhood Rescue now. Through a monthly donation of $150 or more, you will support World Vision in providing various forms of assistance, enabling those who suffer to survive, recover and build a future.

To ensure our work is carried out efficiently in an ever-changing world, World Vision will support different regions and allocate funds to particular projects according to the most current needs.

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Committed to restoring lives of millions

On 6 February 2023, a devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake, followed by multiple powerful aftershocks, struck southeastern Tu......

Restoring a Broken Childhood through Psychosocial Support

When he misses his family, the only thing that Bakr could do is to search through the memories of the past that he still hold......

What does it mean to have enough?

Since the change in government, there have been more and more restrictions on carrying out humanitarian work in Afghanistan. ......

Children in Syria at risk of abuse and exploitation as earthquake leaves hundreds of thousands stranded

World Vision has warned that children in Syria are at risk of exploitation and abuse, as they have been left without homes an......

It takes long-term commitment to reduce hunger

Food insecurity is a problem currently faced by many fragile contexts. With chronic instability hampering development in gene......

World Vision's report finds half of surveyed Afghan children acutely malnourished

International aid organisation, World Vision, today warned that Afghanistan’s forgotten children are at risk of starvation, f......

The Choices Afghan Families Are Forced to Make Leave Us All With Questions

If you were starving and you knew the sale of one of your children would prevent the rest of your children from dying, would ......

Live Chat with a Hong Kong Humanitarian

To present its long-term humanitarian work in fragile contexts, World Vision recently organised an online chat with Ms. Wan S......

Donation Support

You may support Childhood Rescue now. Through a monthly donation of $150 or more, you will support World Vision in providing various forms of assistance, enabling those who suffer to survive, recover and build a future.

To ensure our work is carried out efficiently in an ever-changing world, World Vision will support different regions and allocate funds to particular projects according to the most current needs.

World Vision Hong Kong, incorporated with limited liability, is a Christian humanitarian organisation working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty.
© 2024 World Vision Hong Kong | Please click here for information on Use of Donation | Tax-exempt Charities - IR File Number: 91/2002