Frontline Stories

2017 Cambodia Famine XP Trip

Ng Chi Kiu

Of all the people I met, a young mother particularly stood out to me. “Are there street children in Hong Kong?” she asked. I said no. “You are fortunate then.” Indeed, we are really fortunate to be born in Hong Kong where most people have food, shelter and access to education. But why are we still not satisfied? Perhaps we should complain less about what we don’t have and be more thankful for what we already have. We should cherish everything and show concern for those who are less fortunate than us around the world. I really hope the people of Cambodia will lead a better life.

Poon Wing Tung

The biggest takeaway of this trip is that we have really failed to see how fortunate we are. While I and many other Hong Kong people are chasing a life of comfort, the people there are only thinking about how to survive. I hope I can encourage my peers to care more about our own communities and help those in need around us.

Published on 31 Dec 2017

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