Church Sharing

Christian’s Mandate on Climate Action 基督徒與氣候行動

  • Learn about climate justice in the Christian faith
  • Share how the work of climate activists fulfills the mission of God
  • Be inspired to take climate actions to heal God’s creation

The Earth, God's beautiful creation, is facing unprecedented challenges. Climate change threatens not only our environment, but also the well-being of countless children and communities around the world, particularly the most vulnerable among us. As Christians, we are called to be stewards of the earth and to act with compassion and justice, especially to those who are most impacted by environmental degradation.

This event will explore the powerful connection between our faith and the urgent need to protect God's creation, with a specific focus on how climate action can alleviate suffering and empower marginalised communities.


Mr Tony Rinaudo
Principal Climate Action Advisor
World Vision Australia

Prof. Amos Tai
Associate Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences Programme
Associate Director, Office of University General Education
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Event Details

4 Jun 2024 (Tuesday), 7:30–9:00pm

Saddleback Hong Kong 馬鞍峰香港教會
G/F The Sparkle, 500 Tung Chau St, Cheung Sha Wan

Sharing in English (英語主講.不設翻譯)

Enquiry: [email protected]

About the Speakers

Mr. Tony Rinaudo is a renowned agronomist whose work makes a significant impact on food security, environmental sustainability, and the resilience of thousands of vulnerable communities. Besides having received a Right Livelihood Award, also known as the Alternative Nobel Prize, in 2018, Tony is also the Principal Climate Action Advisor of World Vision Australia. Over the past four decades, the Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) technique that he first proposed has supported 27 countries across Africa and Asia to regenerate forests at low costs, resulting in the regeneration of millions of hectares of land. His experience was documented by Oscar and Palme d’Or winning director Volker Schlöndorff in the documentary “The Forest Maker”.

Tony Rinaudo 先生是國際知名農林業專家,多年來從事應對氣候變化的工作。Tony曾在2018年榮獲有「另類諾貝爾獎」之稱的「優質民生獎」(Right Livelihood Award),他亦是澳洲世界宣明會首席氣候行動顧問。過去40多年來,他提出的天然資源再生技術(FMNR),幫助了非洲和亞洲27個國家以低廉的成本重新造林,修復了數以百萬計公頃的農地。他的經歷更在2021年被奧斯卡及康城影展金棕櫚獎得獎導演Volker Schlöndorff拍攝成紀錄片《造林者》(The Forest Maker)。

Dr. Amos P. K. Tai is an Associate Professor in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Programme of the Faculty of Science at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), concurrently serving as the Associate Director of the Office of University General Education. Amos joined CUHK in 2013 and specializes in atmospheric chemistry and physics, ecoclimatology, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, and sustainable agriculture and forestry. His work has been published in top-ranking journals in the atmospheric and environmental sciences, and earned him the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Research Award for Young Scientists and Research Grants Council Early Career Award.

Dr. Amos P. K. Tai 戴沛權博士現任香港中文大學理學院地球與環境科學課程副教授,地球系統科學課程主任,同時兼任大學通識教育部副主任。戴博士2013年開始任職香港中文大學,主要研究大氣化學與物理學、生態氣候學、大氣與生物圈相互作用、及可持續農業與林業。戴博士在大氣及環境科學範疇的知名期刊內發表研究結果達50餘篇,並曾獲得聯合國「世界氣象組織青年科學家研究獎」及香港研究資助局的「傑出青年學者」獎項。

World Vision Hong Kong, incorporated with limited liability, is a Christian humanitarian organisation working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty.
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