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What are fragile contexts?

“Fragile contexts” are places where children suffer extreme levels of violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect due to political and social pressure, which make them vulnerable to conflict and have fractured the institutions that should protect children. Fragility can cover many nations or only a few neighbourhoods, and can change rapidly.


Donation Support

You may support Childhood Rescue now. Through a monthly donation of $150 or more, you will support World Vision in providing various forms of assistance, enabling those who suffer to survive, recover and build a future.

To ensure our work is carried out efficiently in an ever-changing world, World Vision will support different regions and allocate funds to particular projects according to the most current needs.

World Vision Hong Kong, incorporated with limited liability, is a Christian humanitarian organisation working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty.
© 2024 World Vision Hong Kong | Please click here for information on Use of Donation | Tax-exempt Charities - IR File Number: 91/2002