Prayer Support

We cordially invite you to pray, as Christ did, for vulnerable and needy people.

  • Pray for Emergency Relief

    Last update: October 2023

    On 7 October 2023, a series of earthquakes shook western Afghanistan, with the largest at 6.3 magnitude. Many houses have collapsed and some remote villages have even been wholly destroyed. As of now, around 2,500 people, most of them reportedly women and children, have died. The hospitals in Herat are overwhelmed, and it is feared that the number of casualties will continue to rise.

    Please pray for vulnerable children and families suffering from the earthquake in Afghanistan:

    • Lord, rescue those who are trapped and waiting for help, and heal the wounded.
    • Lord, comfort and strengthen those who have lost their loved ones and homes, especially the children who are hurt and scared.
    • Lord, guide World Vision and other humanitarian agencies to respond swiftly to the needs of the survivors, and restore their hope for the future.
    • Lord, open the hearts of your people to help those who are suffering. Empower your church to serve as a living witness of your grace and love.

    Learn more about the
    Afghanistan Earthquake Relief
  • Last update: February 2023

    On 6 February 2023, a devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck southeastern Turkey, near the Syrian border. So far over 4,000 people have lost their lives and tens of thousands more are injured. Turkey is the largest host country of Syrian refugees in the world, and millions of them live near the epicenter of this earthquake. Having been forced to leave their homes due to a war that has been going on since 2011, these people are now facing yet even more misery and pain, finding themselves at the centre of the world’s attention again for all the wrong reasons.

    Please pray for vulnerable children and families suffering from the earthquake in Turkey and Syria:

    • May God comfort and strengthen those who have lost their loved ones and homes, especially the injured and terrified children.
    • May God protect those who are still trapped and awaiting aid, and help the wounded receive medical help.
    • May God keep children and adults warm in the bitter winter, and provide affected communities with stable supply of water and electricity.
    • May God guide the work of World Vision and other humanitarian agencies to respond quickly to the needs of the affected children and families, and restore their hope for the future.
    • May God open the hearts of brothers and sisters in Christ that they would lend a helping hand to the affected. May God empower the church to serve as a living witness of His grace and mighty love to the suffering children and families.

    Learn more about the
    Turkey and Syria Earthquake Relief
  • Last update: June 2022

    Due to a mix of the impact of conflict, climate change and an economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, a food crisis is spanning across the globe. The war in Ukraine is also bringing profound impacts on world food supply, leaving more people on the brink of famine. More children are made prone to malnutrition, and may even be forced to work as child labour or married off in exchange for dowry. Such children will be permanently impacted physically, mentally and spiritually.

    Please pray for the vulnerable children and families who are starving worldwide:

    • We proclaim in the name of the Saviour Jesus Christ that with the earnest prayers of His people, God’s love, mercy and richness would overflow the nations, especially South Sudan, Somalia and Afghanistan.
    • We pray that God would protect hungry children, and heal those who suffer from malnutrition (both acute and chronic) and traumas.
    • We pray for an end to all ongoing conflicts, that civilians could return home and children be free from all forms of violence and enjoy school life and peace again.
    • May leaders and churches in various countries respond to global hunger relief proactively with fear of God and mercy for people, helping and providing for impoverished families together.
    • We pray for wisdom and resources for frontline humanitarians to meet the needs effectively.

    Learn more about the Global Hunger Relief

  • Last update: March 2022

    The situation in Ukraine is increasingly intensifying due to the recent armed conflict, which does not only cause immediate threats to more than 7.5 million children living in Ukraine, but also lead to hundreds of thousands fleeing from Ukraine to neighbouring countries. It is feared that as many as 5 million people could flee the country, causing immediate and long-lasting physical, emotional, and mental harms to children, families, and communities. Meanwhile, the crisis may lead to increased food and fuel prices, which will aggravate the existing food and economic crises and impact other countries, leaving more vulnerable lives at risk.

    Please pray for vulnerable children and families suffering from the conflict in Ukraine:

    • We proclaim in the name of the Saviour Jesus Christ that God’s love, peace, mercy and healing are with all vulnerable children and families suffering in the conflict.
    • We pray for those who lost their home and families, and are forcibly displaced. May God comfort their wounded heart, strengthen their faith and hope, and prepare shelter suitable for them so that they may get through this crisis safely.
    • We pray for more peacemakers, who, by relying on persevering prayers, worship and guidance of the Holy Spirit, will take part in resolving enmity and conflicts, thereby preventing Ukraine and more countries from greater humanitarian disasters.
    • We pray for all frontline humanitarians, especially the leaders, that they would be protected and carry out the rescue operations quickly and effectively with God-given wisdom, energy and resources, especially in keeping children away from harm when fleeing.
    • We pray for the churches that continue to stay in Ukraine. May they spread the love of Christ Jesus through their faith and actions, so that Ukraine and the whole world could see the good witness they boldly bear for the gospel. (2 Timothy 1:7)

    Learn more about Ukraine Crisis Response
  • Last update: April 2021

    It has been ten years since Syria’s civil war broke out in March 2011. Half of the country’s population is displaced, nearly 600,000 have been killed, including 55,000 children. 4.8 million Syrian children have been born straight into the thick of conflict, losing access to education, healthcare and livelihoods, as well as suffering psychosocial effects and even becoming victims of child marriage. While children have lost their dignity, identity and the hope for future, the cruel war that has brought about so many tragedies is yet to end.

    Please remember Syria’s children and families in your prayers.

    • May God grant peace and cease the war in Syria, so that civilians may no longer suffer in fear and desperation.

    • Pray for the children affected by this traumatic experience, may God’s love and mercy comfort their vulnerable souls, heal the wounds, lead them out of death, poverty and sorrow, and restore their hope for future and life.

    • May God protect and strengthen all humanitarian workers, lead the work of World Vision and other agencies. May God bring in the necessary resources to the vulnerable children and families.

    • May God stir the hearts of world leaders, so that they will protect the affected children and families and bring peace to Syria with continued actions.

    • May God move more brothers and sisters to show concern for the plight of the refugee children and families, so that they would not be forgotten.

    Learn more about the Syrian Refugee Response

  • Last update: April 2021

    Since the conflict broke out in Rakhine State, Myanmar in August 2017, over 860,000 Rohingyas - more than half of whom are children - are stuck in the world’s largest and most densely populated refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. They are stateless and unprotected by international refugee law, enduring poverty, human trafficking, malnutrition and natural disasters. Due the COVID-19 pandemic, they now have even less protection as humanitarian activity in the camp has become limited. Worse still, a massive fire broke out in the camp in March 2021, which saw several hundred people killed, injured or gone missing, with tens of thousands of survivors once again losing their shelters and all their belongings. Many Rohingya refugees have tried different ways to enter neighbouring countries and seek asylum, but were either rejected or repatriated to Myanmar, leaving their lives at risk.

    Please pray for the Rohingya refugees:

    • Refugee families and children have no citizenship, rights and protection, struggling to survive every day. May God stretch His mighty hands to deliver them out of danger and lead them to a place with peace.

    • Refugees are facing the stress of a traumatic past, instability, resettlement and an uncertain future, may God send His servants to help and comfort them, and bless them with strength and hope.

    • Pray for strength and wisdom for World Vision staff  as they carry out work near the Myanmar-Bangladesh border.

    • The situation in neighbouring countries has become tense. May God put an end to all conflicts and rebuild communities with His grace and peace.

    • Pray that more Christians will remember the plight of the refugees with mercy and in their prayers, so that refugees’ cries may be heard.

    Learn more about the Myanmar-Bangladesh Refugee Crisis Response

  • Pray for local needs

    Last update: March 2022

    With the fifth wave of COVID-19 hitting the city, grass-roots families have been increasingly affected. As both the demand for anti-epidemic items and the prices of food and basic necessities increase due to shortage of supply, these families, who are already facing economic hardships, are being forced to bear additional burdens. During these difficult days, they desperately need the care and support from churches, and perhaps more importantly, love and hope from God.

    Please pray for grass-roots children and families affected by the epidemic:

    • May God stop the spread of the epidemic, heal the infected, especially vulnerable children, the elderly and people who are chronically ill, and provide them with the right treatment and medicines.
    • May God comfort families who have lost loved ones, and cover them with His love and peace at this time of grief.
    • May God watch over children and families affected by the epidemic and the anti-epidemic measures, cast out the darkness in their hearts, help them take care of themselves and their families and not treat one another with violence.
    • We pray for abundant provision for parents under massive financial pressure.
    • May God help students from grass-roots families overcome the barriers in learning and continue to learn online. We pray that they do not only gain knowledge and a global vision, but also develop precious qualities in adversity, such as love, kindness and perseverance.
    • We pray for God’s protection over churches and NGO volunteers who distribute supplies on the frontline, as well as their families, so that they will not be infected and can serve with faith, peace and strength.

    Learn more about
    “Share and Care” Scheme

  • Pray for the Fragile

    Last update: November 2021

    At present, more than half of Afghanistan’s population (over 18 million people) is in need of humanitarian assistance. As a result of a severe drought and food crisis, 2.7 million people are facing starvation, while approximately 1 million children under 5 are acutely malnourished. In winter, snows may hamper the efforts to provide food aid. Furthermore, the country is potentially facing a new wave of COVID-19, which will put immense pressure on a health system that is already on the brink of collapse.

    Please remember people who are in desperate need of food aid and healthcare in Afghanistan:

    • May our God who richly gives us everything look after and provide for the needs of the people of Afghanistan, especially the children who are starving and being acutely malnourished. May He heal and comfort their vulnerable and fearful hearts.
    • May God demonstrate His deliverance and unfailing love through the work of humanitarian agencies and the words and deeds of local believers. May He always be with the people of Afghanistan.
    • Pray for the safety and strength of frontline humanitarians. May God protect them from attacks and harm, and grant them courage and wisdom to help the most vulnerable groups.
    • Pray for the situation of Afghanistan. We trust that the Lord is sovereign and that no disasters, authorities and sins can conquer our Lord.

    Learn more about our work in Afghanistan
  • Pray for the end of violence against children

    Last update: November 2017

    Over 1 billion children experience violence every year globally. Violence threatens their survival and health, robs them of their right to education, and causes short and long-term physical, emotional and social consequences. It is important to address these issues and offer counselling and assistance to the victims, so that they feel safe and have their immediate needs met.

    • May God heal and restore the lives of children affected by violence, helping them to deal with any physical, psychological or social hindrance brought about by violence.
    • May God provide care, health, psychological assistance, justice and support to children who have experienced the loss of a parent and/or sibling due to violence.
    • May God protect the children who live in countries with conflicts, or have experienced natural disasters recently.
    • May God bring shelter to the children that have been forcibly displaced.
    • May God protect all children from exploitation and harm, and let them experience His love.

    Learn more about It takes a world to end violence against children

  • Last update: November 2017

    Many of the issues of violence, such as child labour, child marriage, child sacrifice, are prohibited by laws which, however, are not always enforced. Each one of us is called to speak out for orphans and the poor.

    • May God lead governments around the world to enact and endorse laws to protect children.
    • May God bring equality and universal access to education.
    • May God bring income and economic development opportunities to vulnerable households.
    • May God lead governments to create a strong labour market and a stable environment, so that child labour can be eliminated in the supply chains.

    Learn more about It takes a world to end violence against children

  • Pray for World Vision of Macau Association

    Last update: December 2019

    We thank God for the peace and grace we have enjoyed in 2019. We are truly blessed to have been able to not only live a life of peace and abundance but also help others in need.

    • Give thanks to God for the citizens of Macau. For the days to come, pray that they may rely on God, follow His teaching and have the greatest peace of mind in times of prosperity and adversity.
    • Pray for the citizens of Macau, that they may understand more about themselves and the world, and devote themselves more in helping the needy in the coming year.
    • Pray for children and families affected by conflicts and extreme weather, that they may rebuild their homes soon.

    Learn more about World Vision of Macau Association